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26 Aug

Announcing: The Robert Bourassa Performance Voyage

Welcome back to the Blog!

We hope you've been having a great summer. It's been an interesting one here in Ontario, a wave of harsh heat and some of the most intense rain the province has ever seen. However, autumn is nearly here and we couldn't be happier to announce that once again, the Trailer Blocks team will be packing up and hitting the open road to enjoy the end of summer and to put our signature aluminum lift/lowering blocks to the test.

This long weekend, we'll be installing our lift blocks to our trailer and then setting our sights on the Robert Bourassa generating station, a hydroelectric damn on the La Grande River in northern Quebec. This trip will be roughly the same length as our voyage to the Daniel-Johnson dam, a round trip that will stretch nearly 3,000 km long. The journey will take our 26' tandem axle test trailer through a number of different environments, allowing us the opportunity to truly test our block's ability to endure harsh terrains. We'll be collecting a lot of data along the way and studying the interactions of our heavy components. This will include our impressions of the trip and dam, before-and-after shots of the trailer's installation and gorgeous, high-resolution pictures of all the sights we see up north.

We'll be sharing the results of our second Performance Voyage in an After-Action Report and we can't wait for you to join in our experiences. Keep an eye on the blog and our social media channels for the latest updates and content uploads.

29 Jul

Blogs in Motion: E-Commerce and Electronic Communication

Welcome back to the Trailer Blocks Blog!

It's time for a new entry in our Blogs in Motion series and while we do have a few different topics we want to cover, there's one in particular that's been standing out as of late. As you may already know, Trailer Blocks operates exclusively as an e-commerce business, a practice that has its upsides and its pitfalls, but one that suits our methods quite well. As a result, the bulk of our correspondence with our customers occurs via email and form submissions to ensure accuracy and efficiency in processing inquiries and orders. We also use social media channels to keep everyone up-to-date regarding our general operations. However, a trend has begun to form. A handful of people seem to asking us the same question:

"Why don't you guys have a phone number?"

It's a legitimate question as many businesses tend to communicate with their client base extensively via phone calls and voicemails as opposed to emails and social media. We thought we'd answer that question by first briefly outlining why Trailer Blocks uses e-commerce for our enterprise.

Online operations grant businesses a global platform for their goods and services that would've been unimaginable only a few years ago. More importantly, e-commerce allows businesses to essentially eliminate the traditional "9-to-5" method of running a business. Digital stores allow you to browse, compare and buy products at any time of day or night, from your desktop at home to your mobile devices on the go. Quite simply, e-commerce allows both customer and vendor to take care of their business at their own convenience in a direct, informative manner.

Trailer Blocks Mobile Interface

You are likely already familiar with e-commerce in some respect. Whether you're a small business owner yourself or if you've used sites like eBay or Kijijij, the digital realm of business is becoming more and more familiar to the general public with every passing day. Many online stores do indeed have a phone line or chat support, so why don't we? When it comes to specialized products like ours, the written word is far more effective than the spoken one at communicating the technical details that a customer requires. The products we offer here at Trailer Blocks have a very specific purpose and we've found that clients that reach out to us for more information tend to fall into one of two categories: one, those who know exactly what they need and simply want to confirm some details and two, those that are unsure of what they need and require a bit of assistance. In both scenarios, we've found that email correspondence and form submissions provide mutual benefit for us and our customers. A written trail of data is far easier to track down and analyze than a phone call or voice message that may get lost or miscommunicated along the way.

Additionally, with the advent of instant communication, digital correspondence allows our staff members to be knowledgeable about all our active orders and inquiries at all times, as opposed to only knowing about a critical issue Monday morning from checking the voice messages. In some cases, it takes the effort of the entire Trailer Blocks team to help a client, something that is almost impossible without transparent, written communication. We understand that the lack of a phone number may throw off some prospective clients, but "e-communication" at Trailer Blocks is critical to ensuring we are delivering accurate customer service.

We hope you've enjoyed this insight into our preferred method of communication and we'd like to hear from you about it. Please feel free to contact us anytime with your questions or feedback at: contact@trailerblocks.com and follow us on Twitter for the latest news and updates.

We have some exciting events in the works and more Blogs in Motion to come, so keep an eye on us here and we'll have more for you in the days to come.

10 Apr

Same Blog, New Focus

Welcome back to the Trailer Blocks Blog!

It's been a busy week for us here and we're not slowing down anytime soon. This week saw the release of our long-awaited Photo Gallery (see for yourself) and we've taken the first steps towards uploading our performance test footage (more news on that soon) for you to enjoy. It is our hope that these pictures and clips will show you the reliability of our products both in the workshop and on the open road. However, as we continue to move forward, it's also important to take a look back and there's a matter we'd like to address.

It's been awhile since our last substantial entry and it hasn't been without cause. Over the last few months, we've been brainstorming the best possible way to showcase our product lineup and our performance tests while also providing an insightful and entertaining dialogue between us and the community. Although we remain committed to both of these goals, the blog in it's present form simply wasn't allowing us to do both of these effectively. We ultimately decided that the blog needed a bit more focus and structure in its presentation in order to deliver informative, engaging articles on a regular basis. After much deliberation, we've come to a decision on how to proceed from here.

In the near future, the Trailer Blocks Blog will be returning on a much more consistent basis. From now on, new entries will fall under one of three categories:

Updates: For all the latest news on our product line, content uploads and site improvements. Updates will be uploaded as appropriate.

After-Action Reports: For the hard details on our performance voyages and equipment tests. After-Action Reports will be uploaded in the days following.

Blogs in Motion: For community-driven topics, opinion pieces and the occasional "odd topic". Blogs in Motion is a brand new, bi-weekly feature that will be premiering soon.

Blogs in Motion is a new series that will give us a chance to share some of our thoughts and methods with you in a more focused format and it's our intention to release entries on a much more consistent basis, so keep an eye out for them. Although the Updates and A.A. Reports will be drawn from our own operations, the Blogs in Motion segment will cover a wider range of topics that we intend to originate from both us and you. We already have a list of topics we plan to explore, but we'd also like to hear your suggestions for future articles.

If you have any suggestions for topics you'd like to see covered, please send them and any blog feedback to: blogsinmotion@trailerblocks.com

We're very excited to be moving forward with this new format and we'll have more for you in the days to come.


28 Nov

Announcing: The Daniel-Johnson Performance Voyage

This weekend, the Trailer Blocks team will be hitting the open road and putting our product lineup to the test. Starting on Friday, November 30th, we’ll be setting off with a trailer fitted with our own signature aluminum trailer blocks on a 3,000 km round trip to the Daniel-Johnson Dam in Quebec. The Daniel Johnson dam is the second largest hydroelectric dam in all of Canada and the largest multiple arch-and-buttress dam in the world.

As we previously stated, the purpose of this trip is to carry out some extensive performance testing on our aluminum blocks. Along the way, we will be collecting as many photos and video clips of the process as we can. Along the way, we’ll also be documenting the trip’s major moments, optimizing our trailer’s performance and sharing our general impressions as we visit the modern engineering marvel in all its glory.

Once we come home, we’ll be uploading the journey’s content in the days to follow . It’s our hope that with our content, you’ll be able to experience the voyage for yourself and maybe even take away some inspiration for your upcoming trailer journey.

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